BCS Placement at Air Cargo 2018!

Last week, Melissa Gallardo, the Director of Business Development, proudly represented BCS Placement at the Air Cargo

Air Cargo panel

Conference in Austin, Texas on the February 20th panel “The Logistics of the Work Force” discussing “the growing workforce crisis. Studies show that finding workers with the necessary skill levels is it is getting increasingly more challenging for companies to find workers with the necessary skill levels to fill their job openings. And This problem is particularly acute in all sectors of the cargo industry, so our panel of Human Resource experts will tell you why tapping into the millennial workforce is critical. They will instruct you on how your company can identify millennials motivating factors and how to recruit the best candidates for this generation so you can have the qualified personnel you require going forward.”

As a subject matter expert on the topic of logistics staffing, Melissa brought a brilliant perspective to the session as she discussed the important role managers play in employee longevity and satisfaction. “Having the right managers is key to the success of bringing in people who will fit and stay,” she explained. Hiring isn’t just about finding a person with the exact skill set for the open position; as unemployment decreases, fewer candidates are an exact fit but with training and time we can take candidates without industry experience and turn them into committed and stable professionals who are an excellent fit at their position. While skills are crucial, they should be looked at like ingredients. While candidates may not have every ingredient that is necessary, an open communication, free flow of feedback and training can easily build a candidate into an employee with longevity and expertise.

To illustrate her point, she prepared an example about the New England Patriots that she was unable to cover due to time constraints but which should be explained here. The Patriots are an excellent example of talent recruitment as they draft not for positions that are lacking but focus on finding the best players regardless of position and then work hard to train and mold them into supreme talents. Tom Brady, she explained, was a 6th round draft pick at a time the Pats didn’t need a quarterback. BCS Placement works diligently to find the hidden raw talent that can be turned into superstar employees just as we find those talented candidates the positions that are are perfect fit for the skills and development paths the candidates will excel upon.

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