How to safely return to the office

International shipping and logistics are starting to come back and ramp-up leading workers to start coming back into offices after working from home for the last few months. Much like how disconcerting it was to go from working in an office to being home, we can expect some discomfort moving pack to a professional office. We’ve compiled a little list of tips and tricks to ease your transition back to the office.

  • Prepare to be exhausted.

It’s been a long time since most of us got up and went to work in the morning. Despite our best efforts, we’ve developed habits and routines that suit our time at home that will need to be changed when we return to the office. Not only will you likely put more miles on your day, including traffic, but your body will also be in a heightened place of awareness and you can expect to need a week to get your energy back up. Don’t beat yourself up, get extra rest, take a break away from your desk if you can, and know that you won’t be this tired for too long.

  • Create and maintain a safe space

Going back to work doesn’t mean that there’s no danger in our offices. Your vigilance and awareness are going to be necessary to avoid exposure. Whether you are pumping gas and buying coffee on your way to work or using the company’s communal water cooler, we suggest following the CDC guidelines on sanitation and safety. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need to protect yourself. And be comfortable saying no if you’re not ready for after-work socializing.

  • Be attentive

Your health is important to your work and your family so keep an eye on yourself. Hand washing, masks, staying a safe distance apart, and making good choices are all positive but we can’t live in a bubble. If you start to feel sick, speak to your supervisors, and make alternative arrangements. If you’re feeling good and going into the office, make sure you’re working at work and being at home when you’re at home. The blend of work and personal time has been increasing since the quarantines and now is your chance to put things back in their proper places.

We’re all in this together and it’s far from over. Since few of us have ever encountered a work/life balance the way we have had to over the last few months, be calm and prepare to have some stumbles.

If you’re looking to add some exceptional talent to your roster, don’t wait to reach out to BCS Placement. The hiring market will not stay this wide open for long as the economy starts to return to normal and there is always incredible talent looking for a home or a new home that could be the key player in your recovery team. We’re hard at work seating the brightest stars in logistics at the top jobs and we can bring that vision to your talent search. Call your BCS representative today to discuss the right job or candidate.

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