Contracting Help in Warehouses

Warehousing concerns are paramount to logistics companies, especially during the end of the year rush for space and shipping. As business ramps up, the decision to either hire extra help or outsource your warehousing needs will be in the forefront of your holiday planning. BCS is here to help you determine the best way to meet your shipping demands.

For those who have existing warehousing space and find they need extra help this season, contract labor is a simple and cost effective way of enhancing your current staff. The relationship for your contractors may be on a per project basis, or for the duration of a season, but it’s important to set those parameters for the help you are planning to bring in. Special attention should be paid for the areas in need of help and to what extent the help should avail them. Some questions to ask;

  • Is there a special project that will take extra man hours?Pleased with his warehouse management
  • Are there certain days that are proving to be busier than regular business?
  • Do some workers need specialization to assist you this season?


Determining the exact nature of your needs will focus your hiring and BCS can suggest the most cost effective way to bring in the help you need, tailored to the skills you need on hand.

For businesses that need warehouse space, or that need more of it, the contracting of a warehouse is often very useful. Using a 3PL provider to meet your shipping and technology needs during this time can take a substantial burden off your mind. Contracted warehouses offer the buyer a chance to explain exactly what level of support is needed and exactly what the time frame is for that support. Technology, man-power, space, shipping, and planning are all negotiable from the beginning and you can often find a warehouse with staff and support to meet and exceed any needs you have.

BCS works with a multitude of contract warehouses that can fit any shipping or storage needs you have. By contacting us, you’ll take the guesswork out of hiring the exact company that fits your needs. The interview and investigation processes are already done and we can match your needs and budget with the right warehouse for you.

Whether you need help finding people to work in your warehouse or a warehouse to support you, BCS has you covered this holiday season, giving you the great gift of peace of mind. We’re looking forward to a banner year and can help you have the same.



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