Logistics jobs can help offset manufacturing losses

While the U.S. has suffered greatly over the loss of manufacturing jobs, especially in the Midwest, some of those job losses are offset by the growth seen across the logistics market. Import and export numbers in Illinois help transition joblessness from workers who have been displaced as manufacturing has dwindled. In Illinois, 21% of workers have transitioned to logistics and transportation.

When the President announced that the US was stepping away from the TPP, a 12 country trade deal that was expected to balance the power China wields over Pacific Rim countries, some cities rejoiced at the idea more manufacturing jobs would return. However, while the affects of the TPP and our non-involvement are yet to be realized, those logistics job gains could be threatened.

Trans-Pacific partnerships would open up 40% of the global market to more U.S. based logistics jobs as logistics hubs would be opened to trans-ship cargo to various U.S. cities from Asia. The expectation that wages, though stagnant against the pay for manufacturing jobs, would start to increase as trade lanes developed began to worry supporters when the deal was scuttled.

According to Crain’s Chicago Business, “Transportation and logistics companies move some $1.3 trillion worth of goods through the Chicago metro area each year. The majority are bound for domestic destinations. Yet Illinois is the sixth-largest state in the country for imports and, thanks to Boeing and Caterpillar, the fifth-largest for exports.”

With imports still on the rise and retail sales climbing, the logistics profession shows no signs of slowing down. BCS Placement is currently looking for candidates to fill positions in markets across the country and has many qualified and eager candidates to fill your open positions. We’re here to help you navigate this exceptional moment in our economy.

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