During October 15-18 BCS attended WESCCON in beautiful Palm Springs, CA. We eagerly awaited this event as we knew we’d finally get to link names and faces with our clients on the West Coast. There’s something wonderfully personal and gratifying about shaking the hand of someone with whom you’ve spoken. We were not disappointed with our experience, but the same cannot be said of our golf scores.

Trying to keep the score lower than the temperature! (95)
Trying to keep the score lower than the temperature! (95)

We were eagerly anticipating meeting our friends at Yusen, Coopersmith,

and Panalpina, as we’ve had quite a history with those three companies and it was long overdue that we had a moment to be together after working for so long. We expected those we knew so well to be bright, sweet and charming, but we were surprised how many ideas we were able to discuss about meeting the constantly changing demands of trade and the global supply chain. We expect big things in the future and can’t wait to do even more amazing work for them.

Melissa and Brian at our Booth with Maurice Callis, of Enterprise Technology
Melissa and Brian at our Booth with Maurice Callis, of Enterprise Technology

Next year we plan on being more involved. There are many changes and efficiencies happening in the industry. We are at the forefront with these changes and plan on further educating our clients and industry professionals.

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